TEDx Talk Now Live
Thanks to everyone backing this KickStarter, things got bigger than I imagined they ever would.
After this project's success, things went semi-viral and my art was featured on multiple television programs, dozens of print and online pieces, earned Second Place and over $20,000 in an international Robot Art Competition, and oh yeah, the coolest thing was my recent TEDx Talk which you can check out here
When this started out, I had a goal of two exhibitions. I consider the TEDx Talk to be the first. I have another exhibition in the works that may be even bigger, but its far from a sure thing right now, so stay tuned for news on that one if I can pull it off.
Until then you can enjoy the TEDx Talk that you made possible!
TEDx Talk
So TEDx Talk went great. Below is a picture taken during my talk by the very first backer of this project, Jessie.
Oh yeah, a couple other local backers also showed up for the talk, so big thanks to them! And a big thanks to all of you cause I am pretty certain I wouldn't have gotten this far without the success of this Kickstarter and all the press it has gotten. Things have snowballed since this all started and it is pretty much thanks to your backing.
The TEDx Talk is still a little surreal. I will send you all a link to the video as soon as its public. I haven't seen it yet but I didn't trip or mumble, so I think it went well.
Am continuing down list of paintings I owe to backers. I have contacted you if you are in queue for next couple weeks. As always if you need a portrait rushed for a special event, or just because, contact me and I will bump you to front of queue.
Thanks for making all this possible,
TEDx Talk this Weekend
As you all probably know I have a TEDx Talk on Saturday. It has sort of taken over all my free time so I have fallen behind on portraits the past couple of weeks. Will have new schedule early next week. But if you are in DC area and interested in the talk or seeing who else is talking visit http://www.tedxfoggybottom.net. If you can not make it, no worries, I will post the video to you all as soon as it comes out.
Exciting New Development...
Things continue to move forward on several fronts but the most exciting development is that I just signed a contract to give a TEDx Talk at the TEDxFoggyBottom Conference on April 23rd. Still working on what exactly I will be talking about, but am leaning towards Artificial Creativity. I have been asked not to share this information on social media as the conference organizers would like to control the publicity, but they were ok with me sharing it with the backers of the Kickstarter that made all of this possible.
Thanks again everyone.
On a more practical front, all the Christmas portraits look like they will be finished in time and sent out by this weekend. I will be talking a couple week break after that, then writing up another schedule for the next batch of portraits.
Happy Holidays,