Exciting New Development...

Things continue to move forward on several fronts but the most exciting development is that I just signed a contract to give a TEDx Talk at the TEDxFoggyBottom Conference on April 23rd. Still working on what exactly I will be talking about, but am leaning towards Artificial Creativity. I have been asked not to share this information on social media as the conference organizers would like to control the publicity, but they were ok with me sharing it with the backers of the Kickstarter that made all of this possible.  

Thanks again everyone.

On a more practical front, all the Christmas portraits look like they will be finished in time and sent out by this weekend. I will be talking a couple week break after that, then writing up another schedule for the next batch of portraits.

Happy Holidays,


New Robot Design Finalized - Will be ready in 3-6 months...


Photo Submission Guidelines and Quick Update