cloudpainter, Artificial Creativity Pindar Van Arman cloudpainter, Artificial Creativity Pindar Van Arman

HBO Vice Piece on CloudPainter - The da Vinci Coder

Typically the pun applied to artistic robots make me cringe, but I actually liked HBO Vice's name for their segment on CloudPainter. they called me The Da Vinci Coder.  

Spent the day with them couple of weeks ago and really enjoyed their treatment of what I am trying to do with my art.  Not sure how you can access HBO Vice without HBO, but if you can it is a good description of where the state of the art is with artificial creativity.  If you can't, here are some stills from the episode and a brief description...

Hunter and I working on setting up a painting...

Screen Shot 2017-08-03 at 8.23.17 PM.png

One of my robots working on a portrait...

Elle asking some questions...

Cool shot of my paint covered hands...

One of my robots working on a portrait of Elle...

... and me walking Elle through some of the many algorithms, both borrowed and invented, that I use to get from a photograph of her to a finished stylized portrait below.

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